The Michigan Medieval Combat Association invites sword fighters of all skill levels to join us in learning medieval martial arts!
Our courses revolve around interpreting fighting techniques described and illustrated in historical manuscripts and then performing them in safe but realistic combat scenarios.
May 4th 2024!
The Michigan Medieval Combat Association invites sword fighters of all skill levels to take part in our yearly HEMA tournament!
There will be prizes for:
- Guild who brings the most combatants.
- Most coins earned (individual).
- Most coins earned (by guild).
- Most exemplary fighter.
Medieval Longsword Classes
The Michigan Medieval Combat Association invites sword fighters of all skill levels to join us in our weekly HEMA course on the Medieval Longsword!
Click here for info
Scottish Broadsword Classes
The Michigan Medieval Combat Association invites sword fighters and martial artists of all skill levels to join us in our weekly HEMA course on the Scottish basket hilted broadsword, known historically as the “Claymore”.
Click here for info
Quarterstaff Classes
The Michigan Medieval Combat Association invites fighters and martial artists of all skill levels to join us in our weekly HEMA course on the Quarterstaff!
Click here for info
What We Do
- The study and practice of historical European martial arts (HEMA).
- We Use modern safety equipment and emphasize a safe learning environment
- We practice a real fighting art, our intention is not to put on displays or to entertain the public. We do not practice theatrical swordplay, nor do we practice “live-action role-playing”
- Historical combat has many modern world benefits such as fitness, coordination, and confidence
- Anyone is welcome to train with us regardless of gender, race, or religion